Friday, February 29, 2008 

Denver Schools Worry About Diversity

In June of this year, the United States Supreme Court ruled to restrict schools across the nation, including Denver Schools, from using race to determine attendance. This decision will limit the integration at many schools across the nation. The decision was split with a five justice majority ruling that school programs in Seattle and Louisville violated the Constitutions guarantee of equal protection to ALL students. Educators in Denver Schools fear that the decision may lead schools to stop efforts to balance the racial mixes within their districts.

This decision will definitely affect the way Denver Schools achieve racial integration. Administrators in Denver Schools are among those in Colorado that use such tools. The Boulder Valley School District, for example, seeks diversity by placing students based on family income. "These policies ... are on a stronger footing today than they were yesterday," said Kevin Welner, a lawyer and director of the Education and the Public Interest Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

School districts have a lot of options in trying to build schools that are racially integrated, including targeted recruitment in neighborhoods, or redrawing school-attendance zones. Denver Schools use several criteria when determining school zones and districting; and one of those criteria is race. Students are sometimes bussed further from their homes to achieve racial diversity and avoid segregation. Some education experts within the Denver Schools feel that they may abandon race-conscious policies because of this decision. Administrators say that race is used to target students and move them to other Denver Schools where their needs can be better met, and so racial diversity can be achieved. Denver Schools feel that the decision has left them little room to maneuver and achieve their goals.

The delicate balance between justice and diversity is a hot issue nationwide. Instances where white students have been denied entrance into magnet programs because of their skin color initiated the court cases. Currently, Denver Schools representatives use race and racial density within areas of their district to decide where to build schools. Their goal is to bring enriched magnet programs, and some well-educated families, into inner-city neighborhoods.

Some within the Denver Schools have voiced concerns that students may be the ones who end up getting shortchanged if race is not a factor. They are voicing concerns that their children will be forced to attend schools within their neighborhoods, instead of being allowed to attend more racially diverse schools where the quality of education, educators and administrators may be higher. Others feel that it may force schools systems across the nation, and within Denver Schools, to make sure schools are equally staffed, supervised and supported so that all children will receive an equal education.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Denver Public Schools

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Torn Rotator Cuff Symptoms

Rotator cuff tears are a very common type of injury and the adult population, that occur especially after the year 40 or so. Although at times rotator cuff tears are caused by a fall or some other trauma to the shoulder area, more often they are caused by repetitive stress syndrome, an injury over time that occurs by doing things like repetitive lifting of heavy objects over the head. The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles and their corresponding tendons, that began in the area of the shoulder blade and continue up over the shoulder forming a covering or cuff.

Torn rotator cuff symptoms can vary from person to person, however for the most part in the case of those that suffer from a torn rotator cuff due to repetitive stress syndrome the symptoms are gradual and can develop over a long period of time. Typically at the beginning the pain is easily managed using aspirin or some other over-the-counter pain medication, after some time, however, it generally becomes necessary to seek medical advice because the pain becomes unmanageable. In the case of a fall or some other sudden trauma to the shoulder area the pain is generally set and acute, and can't be accompanied by a snapping noise and sudden weakness in the arm.

A person with a torn rotator cuff may have several options in order to get better. These options could include resting the arm for a long period of time, at mobilizing the arm by the use of a sling, shoulder surgery, or perhaps some therapeutic exercises that are done either at home or in the presence of a qualified therapist.

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Use It Or Lose It

Do you still have that great sweater wrapped up in the tissue paper, still in the box, that your significant other gave you? You know the one - you had stared at it each and every time you went by that store and you could give the details of every stitch, button, and the color - well, it was you. You know you told everyone that if there ever was a color that was made just for a certain person - this was your color.

Now, why is that sweater on that shelf? Because you are "saving" it, right? The worse thing you could do is wear that ratty bathrobe when you have that great one in your closet. You have family over and your dishes are chipped and the rose pattern is so faded that it looks like a muted design of different colors. There is that gold-rimmed china decorating the shelves of your buffet - but you won't use it. Once again, you are :"saving" them for that special moment in time. That moment that you are waiting for is now. It is not tomorrow, or the next holiday. It is right now - today - and there are no ands, ifs, or buts about it.

A while back a friend of mine had a devastating fire in her home. Her family had given her Lenox China with the pattern she had dreamt about as a young girl. There it was, on the shelf, in the buffet, nice to look at but now all gone. It was never used. It was waiting for that special moment that never came and will never come. The next set might be just as nice but it is not "the" set that meant so very much. Use the one that means love, appreciation, and good feelings to you, whatever the item may be. That is the one that you will treasure when you remember using it, enjoying it, and marveling at how great you or your home may look, depending on the item we are talking about. If you never take it out of the box or off the shelf, you will have a memory.

It will be a sad one - you never got to enjoy the item. The point here is that holding on to things, whether it is clothes, dishes, glassware, even the fine perfume you bought yourself when you went to Europe, they are still "things." Things have a way of disappearing, or being left behind when a family member passes, or even with calamaties such as fire, or wind storm. They are gone, you and your family are safe, but "things" were broken and now you realize that you never used "it" and never got around to seeing just how "special" they were when you shared them with family and friends. You know you would look terrific in that sweater and your relatives would just stand in awe at the marvelous outfit that you so stunningly have on - but it will only happen if you "use" the item.

Sitting in that box, between the tissue paper wrappings, and truly getting old - no one sees it, knows about it, or worse of all, no one gets pleasure or joy in the "thing." So whatever it is you feel you have to save for special moments, special days, or special feelings, they are now, right here, this day, from sunrise to sunset. It is the perfect opportunity, it doesn't get better than today, and well, it's time for your treasure to be out there where it really wants to be - in the open - admired, ahh'd over, and doing what it was manufactured to do. Don't wait and don't save until tomorrow. There are so many if's in the world today, that today is the best tomorrow you will ever have. Enjoy it, use your best, and remember one thing - there is no better time than the present - after all - isn't that what we all have at this very moment - the present?

Arleen M. Kaptur has written many books and articles on everyday living and finding peace and joy in all we do. Arleen M. Kaptur July, 2007

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You Can Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

At present, 30 million Americans suffer from different levels of hypertension, from mild (between 90 to 105 mm Hg diastolic) to severe. While many people are aware of the use of drugs for the condition, few understand that you can lower your blood pressure very effectively through non-drug means. Here are 4 effective ways to lower your blood pressure naturally.

Exercise Regularly.

Regular aerobic exercise increases the ability of your heart to pump blood throughout the body. A stronger heart works less hard, leading to lower blood pressure. Exercise also helps by lowering levels of stress hormones in the body which causes arteries to relax. To get going, try jogging or brisk walking for about 30 minutes, five days a week. Also effective are stationary or road cycling, calisthenics, or any physical activity that increases your heart rate and sweating.

Improve Diet & Eating Habits.

There is a well known connection between salt and blood pressure. Most people know that salt is linked with the disease. Use salt in extreme moderation if you cannot avoid using it altogether. Control your consumption of processed food where sodium content may be high. Beyond this, limit your intake of red meat and sweets. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Low-fat dairy products and whole grains are also good diet choices. In addition, minimize your intake of caffeine, as this aggravates stress and increases the heart rate. Coffee, soda, and some energy drinks are high in caffeine.

Learn Stress Management.

Its common knowledge that stress is bad for blood pressure. Stress management has been shown to be an effective remedy for hypertension. Take time to get away from the environment that is causing you stress, be it the workplace or your home. Do not bring work problems home. Leave them in the office where they belong. Doing this will not make the problems go away but will give you time to relax and be refreshed, and be better able to handle the challenges later.

Examine Your Attitude And Approach To Life.

The simplest and most obvious blood pressure lowering method is to take a different attitude and approach to life. Pessimism and feelings of powerlessness are linked to high blood pressure and chronic heart disease. Try not to be a half-empty person. A gloomy approach may cause bouts of emotional depression and these are associated with high blood pressure. The optimist faces the same issues that the pessimist does, except that he sees the issue not as a depressing problem, but rather as an exciting challenge.

Its not something you can do overnight but these simple changes can help you effectively control your blood pressure if you practice them over time. There are also herbs and electronic devices which can help you to control your blood pressure naturally. Visit
Lower Blood Pressure for information and advice about these.

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Classroom Management That Works - 3 Tips to Reduce Inappropriate Student Behavior

Classroom management that works is the holy grail for many tired, and stressed out teachers. So how exactly do you go about finding an effective classroom management plan that actually works to reduce inappropriate student behavior?

Well, there is no one size fits all classroom management solution. All teachers are unique, with differing personalities and teaching styles, and so each teacher needs a different classroom management plan. However, even though each teacher needs a different solution to help reduce inappropriate student behavior, there are some core ideas that every teacher can implement in the classroom to help them find classroom management skills that works for them.

1. Be consistent

If you want to enjoy a peaceful classroom environment, then you must be consistent. If you are not, you will quickly lose the respect of the students that your teach, and the classroom management in your classroom will deteriorate fast.

2. Be positive

If you are looking for classroom management that works, then being positive is a core skill. Approach each lesson in positive frame of mind and expect the best from the students that you teach. And when your students reach the standards that you expect, make sure they know it. Walk into the classroom fearing the worst, and acting negative towards the students that you teach, and they will act negative towards you. And that's not a recipe for effective classroom management that works.

3. Be proactive

The teachers with the most effective classroom management skills are the teachers who proactively deal with classroom management problems before they occur. If you anticipate the problems that usually occur, you can go some way towards implementing solutions which prevent them from happening in your classroom. Classroom management problems prevention is much better than cure.

If you're looking for classroom management that works, then there isn't a one size fits all solution. But if you follow the three top effective classroom management tips above, then you will experience an improvement in the behavior of the students that you teach.

Teaching is hard! Make it easier by learning about some classroom management that works!

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Creative Gift-Giving Ideas

Did the quickly approaching Christmas season sneak up on you? Have you just learned that you should have been saving for Christmas gifts all year round? Did you simply forget to budget for Christmas gifts this year?

Now that you're panicked, you might be thinking about draining your savings to buy gifts. Or maybe you're going to get a credit card, just for Christmas purchases. You'll pay it off in January or February, right?


If you're feeling torn this year because you want to stay out of debt while still giving your loved ones gifts they'll like, don't worry. Her are some fantastic tips:

  • Make it special. Consider specialized gifts for your friends and family rather than a DVD, CD or gift card that can end up costing more and meaning less. If you're a writer, write a story or poem specifically for each person to which you'll give a gift. If you're a photographer or painter, give a picture you've taken or created. If you're into woodworking, make a jewelry box or a shelf. If you're an expert cook, make some killer goodies and include the recipe as your gift this year. You'll save big and end up giving something with your personal touch that will last for years to come.

  • For kids only. If your extended family normally exchanges adult gifts as well as gifts for all the kids, consider just getting gifts for the kids this year. Or draw names for the adults and put a price limit of $20 or $30 on that gift. That way everyone can save by just buying for one adult in the family.

  • Invaluable Coupons. Give your loved ones the gift of your time and service this year. Make a booklet with coupons for specific ways you can help them in the coming months. For example, make a laundry coupon and do the laundry one night so they can relax. Make a babysitting coupon and watch the kids free of charge so they can go out on the town. Make a dinner coupon and prepare a meal so they don't have to cook. There are dozens of ways you can help your loved ones. It will mean so much and will only cost you a little bit of time and energy.

  • Give to a charity. If the adults in your family can agree, choose a charity to which your entire family will give. Rather than giving gifts to each other, you'll be touching the lives of people who are truly in need. This will not only save you money, but will also keep you from getting caught up in the spending flurry.
This season is about so much more than the latest gadgets, overpriced clothes and racking up gift cards. It's about giving...but not just giving. Giving something that matters. And sometimes that something cannot be bought in a store. It's intangible. Priceless.

This Christmas, why not take a little extra time to think about your family and friends and give them something that will inspire and enrich their lives for years to come.

This content is provided by and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. Dave Ramsey is changing the face of America by helping people beat debt and build wealth with his best-selling book, The Total Money Makeover, and nationally syndicated radio show, The Dave Ramsey Show. Read more of what Dave says about surviving Christmas financially.

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Ergonomics - Are You Sitting Comfortably?

Ergonomics is, basically, the science of comfort. It is the study of how your equipment affects you when you are at work, both in terms of maximising your efficiency and reducing any health risks that might be present.

Where youve probably heard the term, though, is used in relation to computer equipment: mice, mouse mats, keyboards, monitors, and the like. The traditional design of a lot of computer equipment is very unergonomic, meaning that if it is used for extended periods of time (as you do when you are using it at your job), you can get all sorts of injuries, the most famous being RSI (repetitive strain injury).

Whatever you might think of your employer, the chances are that they dont want you getting injured: theyd have to get along without you, or go to the trouble of replacing you, not to mention the legal liability they might have if you could prove that it was there equipment that hurt you. For this reason, ergonomic computer equipment is becoming more and more common in office environments. If your keyboard is oddly-shaped, thats because its ergonomic. If your mouse mat has a little soft spot to rest your wrist on, thats because its ergonomic. There are plenty more examples.

Its these little, inexpensive extras that go some way towards reducing the possibility that you will get injured at work. One thing you might not have considered, though, is that they can also work well in the home. If you use your computer a lot at home whether as a hobby, or as a freelancer, or for home working you should get some ergonomic equipment for yourself. If you injure yourself through computer use, youll have no-one to sue or blame but yourself, which might mean that you wont be able to afford the costs of caring for and treating the condition. RSI really isnt pleasant, so you should make sure to take measures to protect yourself, wherever the computer youre using might be.

John Gibb is the owner of ergonomics resources, For more information on ergonomics please check out

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Coming This Year - A Motor Bike Powered By-Hydrogen?

Are you looking for a vehicle that will have your neighbors staring in disbelief? How about a motor bike that goes 100 miles on $4 worth of... hydrogen? A British company, Intelligent Energy, recently unveiled just such a vehicle.

The ENV (it stands for Energy Neutral Vehicle) is described by Intelligent Energy (IE) as the worlds first purpose-built, fuel-cell motorbike. It is based around IEs CORE fuel cell, which the company says is a fully-integrated 1kW fuel cell generator providing power on demand directly to the drive-train.

The ENV is actually a hybrid vehicle in that it also has a battery pack that provides a 6kW peak load to the motor to help the bike accelerate from a standing start.

IE says the ENV motor bike goes from 0 to 30 in 7.3 seconds and has a top speed of 50 mph. The company also says it is virtually silent (with noise emissions equivalent to an everyday home computer) and its emissions are almost completely clean."

On a full tank, the ENV bike could be used continually for up to four hours without any need for re-fueling. The bike can be used by almost any rider as it has simple controls and no gears. While it is officially classified as a motorbike, those who have ridden it say "it feels more like a very quick and responsive mountain bike.

Of course, there is a downside to a hydrogen-powered motor bike, and that is the fact that you just don't find hydrogen service stations on every corner. Or on just about any corner. However, Intelligent Energy is also working on new technology for separating hydrogen from other fuels, so you may find more places to say "fill 'er up" in the years to come.

Intelligent Energy has announced that when available later this year, that the ENV will initially sell for less than $10,000. But then, what's $10,000 when you're creating pratically clean emissions, and your neighbors are staring in envy?

Here's another new technology and it costs nothing. Its HD Radio and it enables AM and FM radio stations to broadcast their programs digitally. These digital broadcasts provide listeners with radically improved audio quality, more radio channels through multicasting, and new data services. To learn more about this amazing new technology, just go my Web site,, to get all the buzz.

Douglas Hanna is a retired marketing executive and the author of numerous articles on HD radio, the Internet, technology and family finances.

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