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Monday, March 3, 2008 

Low GI Snack - Ideas For Healthy Low GI Diet Foods

You probably have noticed that many of the popular weight loss plans include eating low GI diet foods. Most people know that high sugar snacks like donuts and candy bars arent considered low GI snacks but many are left wondering what is on the list. Eating a low GI diet doesnt have to be bland, boring, or unsatisfying. Low GI diet foods control hunger, helping you to feel full between meals. In fact, eating low GI foods is possibly the best way to control hunger. When you start eating a low GI diet you will notice that you have more energy and fewer cravings. This is because low GI foods have a smoother, more controlled release of energy.

When looking for a low GI snack or meal choose whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. The more processed a food is the higher it usually is on the glycemic index. Eating low GI snacks can be just as easy as grabbing something from your local bakery, as long as you know what you are looking for. Several bakeries have low GI breads available. One favorite is apple oatmeal muffins. These are great for snack time or breakfast. Flax meal muffins are great snacks also. If your local bakery doesnt have these items available you can make them at home using low GI recipes. Pizza is another favorite that can be a low GI food with the right recipe. Try using whole grain pita bread for crust and add fresh toppings and grated mozzarella cheese. This low GI diet food is something that you can enjoy instead of endure.

A low GI diet rich in whole, natural, foods can satisfy your hunger and improve your health. Choosing foods that are fresh, not refined, and are from all of the food groups daily is the best way to lose weight, stabilize blood sugar levels, and control hunger throughout the day. Natural sugars in fruits are great snacks when you want something sweet. Remember that some fruits have higher GI than others. Bananas are very high in sugars. Berries, peaches, pears, and apples are much better choices. Leafy greens are also good low GI foods. The best low GI diet is one that includes a variety of foods. When you include a wide variety of low GI diet foods in your diet you will have a wider variety of natural sources of vitamins and minerals.

For low gi snacks, recipes, and other low gi diet foods information check out http://www.squidoo.com/low-gi-snack and http://www.squidoo.com/low-gi-bread-recipe

Steve Somerton writes informative articles on various subjects including Low GI Snack - Ideas For Healthy Low GI Diet Foods. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that authors name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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