Tuesday, January 29, 2008 

Mesothelioma - An Introduction

The mesothelium is a membrane that covers & protects most of the internal organs of the body, the mesothelium is composed of two layers of cells, one layer immediately surrounds the organ the other forms a sac like covering around it. The mesothelium membrane produces a lubricating fluid that is released between these layers, allowing moving organs such as the beating heart and lungs to slide easily against adjacent structures.

The mesothelium is called by different names, depending on where it is located in the body. For e.g. the peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity. The pericardium covers and protects the heart. The pleura is the membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity. The mesothelial tissue surrounding the male internal reproductive organs is called the tunica vaginalis testis. The tunica serosa uteri covers the internal reproductive organs in women.

What is Mesothelioma?
Now the next question that arises is what is Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma or the cancer of the mesothelium is a disease in which cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control or order. They can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancerous cells can also spread called metastasizing from their original place to other parts of the body. Most cases of Mesothelioma begin in the pleura or peritoneum, i.e. the lining surrounding the chest and the lungs. In malignant Mesothelioma, which is a rare form of cancer, the cancerous or malignant cells are found in the sac lining the chest (the pleura), the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum) or the lining around the heart (the pericardium).

How do you get Mesothelioma?
The single largest cause of Mesothelioma is working with asbestos; it is a major risk factor for Mesothelioma. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases. However, there have been cases where Mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos. Most people with malignant Mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they breathed asbestos. Others have been exposed to asbestos in a household environment, often without their knowledge.

What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is the name of a group of minerals that occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers that can be separated into thin threads and woven. Asbestos has been widely used in many industrial products, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation. If tiny asbestos particles float in the air, especially during the manufacturing process, they may be inhaled or swallowed, and can cause serious health problems. In addition to Mesothelioma, exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, asbestosis (a non cancerous, chronic lung ailment), and other cancers, such as those of the larynx and kidney. The risk of asbestos-related disease increases with heavier exposure to asbestos and longer exposure time. There is some evidence that family members and others living with asbestos workers have an increased risk of developing Mesothelioma, and possibly other asbestos-related diseases. This risk may be the result of exposure to asbestos dust brought home on the clothing and hair of asbestos workers.

Rob Mellor owns the free to use http://www.mesotheliomasupportonline.com website helping people find out more about mesothelioma. Please visit the site for more information on mesothelioma symptoms.

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Breast Massage for Breast Enlargement

Breast massage as a method of natural breast enlargement and breast health has actually been used for years as a means of stimulating healthy breast growth and promoting breast tone, pliability and firmness.

Breast massage is one of the best ways to help create a more beautiful bustline by helping to shape, tone and promote growth of the breast and the area surrounding the breast. Not only can moderate breast massage help to make your bustline more attractive and sometimes even grow larger, but it is also an excellent way to keep in tune to your breast health by creating awareness of any fibrous areas of possible indications of breast cancer and some have even claimed moderate breast massage can help to prevent cancer.

Breast massage has been used in beauty parlors and massage parlors, especially in Asia, as a means of healthy lymphatic drainage, breast growth promotion, and as a post operative therapy for women who have undergone mastectomies, breast surgery, or other trauma to the breast area, since it helps break down scar tissues as well as stimulate healing and tissue regeneration.

There has been much speculation that the practice of wearing a bra 12-15 hours per day by most women restricts lymph flow and healthy riddance of toxins, and apart from not wearing a bra, which is not an option for many women in today's societies, breast massage is the best way to help the lymphatic system drain these pent up toxins and help to prevent them from building up and contributing to cancer or other ailments.

By massaging the breasts on a regular basis, many women is Asia have claimed it has enhanced the shape, size and overall attractiveness of their breast, while also giving them a sense of oneness with their femininity, and promoting relaxation and peace of mind, as other methods of body massage do.

Many who practice breast massage for increased breast fullness and beauty also have utilized special herbal serums or creams formulated to further stimulate the breasts into "expanding", firming and toning, creating an overall larger look and correcting sagging, droopiness and other traits deemed unattractive by other individuals.

Believe it or not, the Thai government has recently reported it supports breast massage as a means for breast enlargement and breast health, so there really must be something to this phenomena.

Here are some guidelines for breast massage you may want to follow:

1.) Use a breast enhancing cream or lubricant - preferably a quality one with natural stimulating herbs and botanicals (see our reviews page for info on Benefil) - of your choice to help prevent friction and increase the enjoyment and relaxation of the massage for a more pleasurable and therapeutic experience. This can be an herbal mixture - there are some good ones out there that really do help to promote firmess and breast tone, while creating a larger and more rounded look.

2.) Light to moderate massaging using a gentle back and forth gentle swishing action is best. This can be in a counterclockwise circle around the breast to help promote maximum lymphatic drainage.

3.) To gain maximum benefit and therapeutic effects, breast massage should be practiced daily, as part of a routine - perhaps when fresh out of the shower, since the skin is still somewhat moist and the room may still be steamy, for a smoother massage which may be more easily lubricated since there will still be moisture in the air. If you prefer, even several times a day can be a great benefit. It depends on what fits into your schedule. A few minutes at a time should suffice.

Visit Breast Enhancement Pill Reviews and Comparisons for more information on the natural breast pills mentioned in this article. Danna Schneider is the founder of Natural-Breast-Guide.com

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Natural Remedies from Herbs and Plants

Natural remedies have been around for thousands of years, and were the product of trial and error with eating many different plants over the course of time. Man has a long history with herbs and there healing properties. Herbs have saved many of lives and relieved people of a lot of suffering for thousands of years.

Herbal treatments take many forms, depending were in the world you happen to be, as different climates offer a different verity of plants for people to find there medicines in. Many Herbs are also the sources of many of todays modern drugs. Pharmaceutical companies seen an opportunity to capitalize off the unique chemical compounds found in herbs and synthesized the compounds in labs, and were able to produce more concentrated forms of many of the drug compounds found in nature.

Pharmaceutical companies engineered many variations of these compounds found in herbal remedies. At the same time modern society started forgetting about herbal remedies and started using the artificial drugs that we could buy from the local pharmacy.

Many of the old herbal cures and remedies were soon lost and forgotten as each generation past. Unfortunately we all become to accustom to just buying our drugs off the shelves at the pharmacy.

Also something that we lost out on was the fact that herbs are natural and are symbiotic with there interactions on human beings. We started taking all these artificial drugs not found in nature, but rather the altered natural molecular structures found in nature, and having no biochemical relationship to the chemistry of the people and animals that eat them.

It just stands to reason that the evolution of all living creatures is defined by there environment, and the other living creatures and plants around them. The chemistry of all living things sharing the same environment, have a connection with one another on a complex chemical level. Each individual organism that shared the same environment while selectively mutating each generation, was influenced on a bio chemical level by the other organisms, sort of like biochemical cousins.

There is a symbiotic relationship with all organisms in a shared environment. So when you start to have people eating chemicals that dont have this symbiotic relationship, these drugs stop being medicine and start becoming your poison. And though it may not be apparent right away, this will take it toll in time. People thought they could pull away from nature, but now are starting to realize you have to keep your roots to your environment, or face all kinds of sickness and disease.

Herbal remedies are the real source to keeping us all healthy and strong. Weather we like it or not, we all evolved in nature, and we can not get to far from it, or we will die. People are a very complex assemblage of biochemicals that are interdependent with other forms of life that they evolved with. So as a species we cant just step away from the other animals and plants that we are dependent on for our survival. And start to take a new chemical compound and just throw it into the mix, and not inspect to have problems. Herbs are natures medicines that were specifically designed for us and through the course of many years by selective mutation, just as we were evolved around them to be compatible in nature. So if were looking to cure our selves it will be from the knowledge to use herbs and plants and not from buying foreign chemical molecules to introduce to our bodies that were never designed for them.

For more information on getting our drugs from nature and Natural remedies found in herbs and plants Or drop us an email at healthbooks@aweber.com to join our mailing list and receive biweekly information natural health issues.

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Epoxy Flooring - Greater Strength And Resilience

When you are faced with the wide range of choices of flooring materials, it can be difficult to decide what flooring material will be best for your home and your family requirements. Epoxy flooring can be something you may want to look into before you make any final flooring purchases.

The advantage of using epoxy flooring is that when you utilize epoxy, you can be assured that you are using a product that will give your flooring greater strength and resilience. Even if your family is known for their rough and tumble behavior, epoxy flooring wont let you down with its superior performance.

Epoxy flooring is most often used in an industrial setting. You can install epoxy flooring in places like a finished basement, your garage or your outdoor deck. When you use epoxy flooring for those tough areas, you can rest assured that not only will the surface look good for a long time, but will take wear and tear like no other flooring material.

The key to successfully install your epoxy flooring for maximum performance is in the preparation of the surface where you want to lay the epoxy flooring. The best surface to lay epoxy flooring is concrete, but you can install epoxy flooring over surfaces that include wood and steel as well.

The performance of your epoxy flooring will be directly affected by how you prepare the surface. You will reduce the life of your epoxy flooring if you prepare the surface where you wish to install it improperly. When you prepare the surface correctly you will ensure that your epoxy flooring will adhere to the surface to prolong the life of your epoxy flooring.

Before you decide on buying an epoxy flooring system, you need to be sure that where you want to install it will not be compromised by an abundance of water or moisture. Epoxy flooring doesnt work well in areas that are constantly damp or are at risk for flooding. You can do some research online to find out all you will need to know to decide if epoxy flooring is right for your intended usage. You will find no shortage of data when you browse epoxy flooring online.

For more information about Epoxy Flooring?, feel free to visit us at: http://www.aboutflooring.net/

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Introduction to Mesothelioma Clinical Trials


Choosing whether or not to take part in a clinical trial can be one of the toughest decisions facing a person with cancer.

Clinical trials are people-based studies -- as opposed to animal or lab studies -- of new drugs or procedures. Doctors use clinical trials to learn whether a new mesothelioma treatment is safe and effective in patients. Such trials are vital to the development of new treatments for diseases such as cancer.

The doctors in charge of the study don't know ahead of time how things will turn out. If they did, there would be no need for the study in the first place. And because the doctors don't know how things will turn out, they really can't answer the patient who asks, "Should I take part?"

Most people don't pay much attention to clinical trials until they are diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer. You may have seen stories in the news about something going wrong in a clinical trial. The media is quick to pick up on an instance when a volunteer in a study is harmed. While it is very rare, people have been harmed, and have even died, while taking part in clinical trials. This is even more tragic when it could have been prevented. Reports of these tragic outcomes are important, because they help to expose problems in the system, which are then corrected to protect others.

What you usually don't hear about, however, are the thousands of people who are helped each year because they decided to take part in a clinical trial, not to mention the millions who ultimately benefit from others' participation in clinical trials.

There is no right or wrong choice when it comes time to decide on taking part in a clinical trial. The decision is a very personal one and depends on many factors, including the benefits and risks of the study, what the person hopes to achieve by taking part, and other preferences.

Knowing all you can about clinical trials in general -- and ones you are considering in particular -- can help you feel more at ease with your decision. If you do decide to participate, knowing what to look for and what to expect ahead of time can help you.

This guide should address many basic questions and concerns so that you are better prepared to discuss the subject with your doctor and family. It should clarify which questions need to be asked beforehand and what the answers may mean for you. In the end, however, only you can decide if taking part in a clinical trial is right for you.

One last note: Clinical trials are conducted in all areas of medicine, including ways to prevent and diagnose diseases, but this guide focuses on studies for people who have cancer. However, most of the information here applies to other types of clinical trials as well.

One may obtain a clinical trial worksheet of the Mesothelioma Information Resource Group website.

Support www.mirg.org

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ALK CoPilot Live - An Improved Version Of GPS

Alk CoPilot is a latest software devised by ALK technologies. ALK is the company which has been driving the evolution of unmatched futuristic technology. CoPilot is an award-winning travel and transportation technology devised by ALK.

The Unique Selling Proposition of this technology is its ability to give your smartphone or your pocket PC live traffic info when paired with a wireless Internet data plan on your laptop. It has a full planning module and an easy-to-read user interface for navigation inside your car. Voice prompts and speech recognition are the other value add-ons you can be cheerful about. An improved version of the standard GPS (Global Positioning System), it promises precision in navigation.

If you shop around, you'll find CoPilot Live equipped with an install disc and a map disc. The map disc can be copied to the laptop's hard drive for quicker access.

ALK CoPilot Live has an excellent powerful satellite navigation system. It even gives you complete voice guidance to find your way around the plethora of features inside it. The UK maps are elaborately detailed with a full UK postcode search. Now anywhere you may go along with your phone or PC, it is actually hard to lose your way.

ALK CoPilot Live gives you an interface with other CoPilot users as well. This is facilitated through the CoPilot Live Web. You need an Internet connection, which you avail through the cellular network. So you can see and send messages to everyone within the network of CoPilot mapping system. This feature can serve as a great tracking tool.

Some of its features are as amazing as they can get: for example you just have to key in, say a house number or a street name, or a post code or a point of interest, and CoPilot Live will guide you--right there. And the satellite navigation on your phone is voice-guided.

This technology gives you real-time tracking. This means others can see where you are through the Internet while you are on the move in your vehicle. In case, you're walking around, this software on your phone will help you to know your way around.

Then there is this impressive array of 2D & 3D display with night mode. Your device becomes easy to set up via preloaded 256 MB storage card and an automatic Bluetooth GPS set up. Another feather in the crown is the seamless door-to-door routing across Europe.

Driving around now has an added purpose and meaning with real-time traffic information and Speed Camera alerts.

Get ALK Co Pilot Live and you'll find that you can conveniently dispense with your multiple devices.

Darlene Kaitlene is a renowned business writer who has years of experience in writing technical reviews, product descriptions and product feature analysis of technical gadgets and gizmos. He has won appreciation especially for enlightening people about the latest communication gizmos...the ALK Co Pilot Live

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Ooops - Watch Your Step - Making a Safe, Accessible and Organized Home

Creating an organized and clutter free home environment for the elderly and physically challenged is essential to their comfort and safety. Modifying the home for their specific needs will create a highly functional environment allowing this special population to live independently. Each room of the home needs to be assessed for its challenges.


The more accessible kitchen storage spaces are, the easier it will be to put things away and the less likely clutter will pile up.

  • Adapt shelves in closets and pantries for easy viewing and reach
  • Install sliding baskets and lazy susans in cabinets
  • Remove cabinet doors if they impede access
  • Store everyday items between knee and shoulder height
  • Set up centers for each type of food preparation activity
  • Mount mirrors on the wall behind the stove for viewing cooktop from a seated position
  • Living Rooms and Hallways:

    Living rooms and hallways may require some modifications to reduce the ammount of furniture and other clutter that could be a mobility hazard.

  • Rearrange furnishings to clear walking areas
  • Use low pile carpet for ease of movement or wheelchair movements
  • Eliminated throw rugs
  • Lower thresholds between rooms to accomodate flooring changes
  • Use open storage baskets near activity areas
  • Remove clutter and furniture from hallway
  • Install handrails along corridor walls
  • Use 'clappers' or touch lamps to make turning lamps on and off less challenging
  • Replace standard light switches with 'rockers'
  • Bedroom:

    In the bedroom, the major areas where clutter collects are around the bed and in the closet resulting from poorly designed storage.

  • Lower rods and shelving in closets for easy access
  • Use open sheving instead of drawers for folded items
  • Add lighting in closet for greater visibilty
  • Keep a chair in or by the closet to use for assistence while dressing
  • Organize clothing by type and use
  • Keep a small basket at the bedside table for loose items
  • Limit the items on the bedside table to things used daily
  • Keep a phone at the bedside table
  • Bathrooms:

    Bathrooms are the most challenging rooms in the house. These changes are essential for ensuring safety.

  • Keep bath products and medicines organized and with easy reach
  • Use a linen closet or shelf storage rather than under sink area
  • Use pill organizers to eliminate any guesswork
  • Remove excess clutter from the shower or bath areas leaving only essential items
  • Use slip mats in the tub or shower
  • Use bath benches
  • Install grab bars in shower, tub and toilet areas
  • Adapt or replace toilets
  • Replace faucets with lever handles
  • Replace shower heads with ones that can be hand held
  • Keep a phone in the bathroom reachable from the floor
  • Paperwork

    Staying on top of paperwork may seem like a real challenge when mobility is an issue - but an organized system makes things easier.

  • Keep files current with all medical, insurance and financial information
  • Use a color coded filing system for easy retrieval of information
  • Use a summarized document locator, in case of emergency
  • These are small changes that can be made for minimal expense. When cost is not an issue, new innovative solutions using universal design are available. Cabinets, cooktops and sinks that can be modified to be height adjustable at the push of a button. Doorway opening can be enlarged to 32" - 36" to accomodate walkers and wheelchairs. The marketplace today offers a tremendous array of poducts to help provide solutions to make independent living easier. These products, combined with simple adjustments in the home, can create a safe, organized and accessible environment.

    For those on medication, pill organizers eliminate the guesswork. Keep an organized filing system in the home with current information on medical and insurance information, financial files on investments. social security and disability benefits. Having this information accessible and organized will expedite its retrieval should an emergency arise.

    Items in a well planned home should be placed in logical locations, making maintenance simple. For those with vision problems, finding things where they are supposed to be is essential for the home to run smoothly and safely. Clothing rods in the closets. placed at reachable heights, will prevent strains from reaching or falls from climbing. Possessions scattered all over the house could cause a fall or make an area of the house completely inaccessible. For this special population, being organized is not only helpful, it can be a lifesaver

    Susan Fox is a professional Organizer with Chaos 2 Comfort in Atlanta Georgia. Chaos 2 Comfort has the expertise to help you organize ever room in your home, from attic to basement and everything in between. Please visit our website at http://www.chaos2comfort.net

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    The FM Modulator - Used for Its Convenience, not Quality

    The FM modulator or FM transmitter is a device used to play your plug-and-play Satellite radio receiver through your vehicles FM stereo. FM transmitters can also be used to play other digital audio devices like iPods, CD and MD players.

    Normally second choice to an audio cassette adaptor because of sound quality, the FM modulator is still a very quick and simple way to get your plug-and-play Satellite radio receiver working in your vehicle.

    Although sometimes only used if all else fails, the FM modulator at least provides an option for listeners who not audiophiles, want an easy way to hook up their receiver, or simply do not have a built-in cassette player in their vehicle.

    Enough degrading these devices; there are probably thousands of Satellite radio listeners out there who will tell you that they experience good reception using an FM modulator. However, there is no doubt about it, an FM modulator, if used, can and will on occasions degrade the quality of audio output from your plug-and-play Satellite radio receiver.

    An FM modulator converts the audio signal from the plug-and-play receiver into an FM signal, which is then transmitted over an unused FM frequency or station selected by the listener. The limitations of the FM frequency band mean this in no way represents what the signal actually sounds like.

    There are two types of modulator available; wireless and hardwired.

    The wireless modulator is built-in to a power adaptor that plugs into the cigarette lighter socket, the docking station or cradle that houses the plug-and-play receiver, or, more recently, the plug-and-play receiver itself. The receivers audio output is transmitted over the air to an unused FM frequency.

    The wireless modulator is convenient, easy to install and configure, but broadcasts only a very short-range signal prone to fading and with interference; comparatively weaker compared to a hardwired modulator.

    The hardwired modulator is placed in between the vehicles stereo unit and antenna. The modulator connects directly into the stereos FM antenna socket to provide a better frequency response and a signal with less interference that is less lightly to fade.

    It is recommended that a hardwired modulator be installed professionally, as it requires a connection to the antenna socket on the rear of the vehicles stereo and to the electrical system, all located behind the dashboard.

    The amount of interference, static and fading you experience, using either of these devices, depends on where you are geographically located in the US, quality of the in-built tuner or broadcast and the type of modulator installed in your vehicle.

    For example, somebody living in a major metropolitan area, using a wireless modulator, will no doubt experience poor reception along with the frequent and often debilitating interference from other radio stations.

    With regard to sound quality, the wireless modulator rests at the bottom of the pile with the hardwired version above it. However, depending on circumstances, hardwired modulators can be as good as cassette adaptors if not better.

    For more information please visit: http://www.the-satellite-radio-advisor.com

    This article may be freely reproduced so long as the above resource box is included in its entirety.

    Jonathan Dalton: admin@the-satellite-radio-advisor.com

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