Tuesday, November 20, 2007 

The Blow That Can Change A Life

A teenage driver, preoccupied with the test she's about to take, suddenly slams on the brakes; a squirrel has just crossed her path. Across town, a young man, training for an upcoming triathlon, sees a car streak toward him in his peripheral vision. A babysitter, turning for the few moments it takes to scroll through the messages on her cell phone, too late sees the van swing into the driveway where her preschool charge has chased after a ball. Three accidents ensue. Three people are raced to nearby hospitals. Three patients lapse into comas. And three lives are profoundly changed.

A severe blow to the head, caused by an accident, fall, or other injury, may result in a coma. Other extreme insults to the brain, such as drug or alcohol overdose, infection of the brain, strokes, seizures, and lack of oxygen can also give rise to comas.

The comatose patient is in a state of unconsciousness brought on by trauma to the brain. He is not responsive to the people and activities around him. He cannot be aroused, even by pain, though he appears to be in a deep sleep.

In general, most people who lapse into comas come out of them within a few weeks. Others, however, never fully emerge. Some patients have remained comatose for years, surviving only with the help of others for their most basic of needs. This condition is referred to as a persistent vegetative state. A patient in this state is able to breathe on his own, experience normal sleep patterns, move his limbs and sometimes even smile or cry. However, due to damage to the cognitive centers of his brain, he cannot think or reason.

Television and movies generally portray a victim emerging from a coma alert and able to communicate coherently with family and friends. The reality of coma recovery, however, is far different. Most people emerge from a coma in stages that range from total unresponsiveness to confusion to full awareness and functionality.

Two standardized methods are used to assess the stages coma patients pass through. One of these is the Glasgow Coma Scale, used to evaluate eye-opening, verbal responses, and movement. A score from three (signifying a severe brain injury) to fifteen (signifying a mild brain injury) is assigned to each of these areas.

The Rancho Los Amigos Scale is a more detailed guide with eight levels to measure a patients progress. With this tool, physicians are able to track a patients recovery from a coma beginning with no response at all to stimulation. After this come three states of confused responses to the patients environment. In the last stage, a patient is able to respond purposefully and appropriately to people and happenings around him. At this level, a patient is both alert and able to manage everyday life, though he may still struggle with social, intellectual, and emotional deficiencies. His response to stress may also cause continuing problems.

Many coma patients require therapy to relearn basic tasks of life and to overcome physical, behavioral and cognitive difficulties.

Lisa Clark is a freelance writer. Her fictional short stories include one featuring a locked-in patient as the main character. She has also the author of various factual articles. She is currently working on a novel.

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Oscars and Taxes

Ratings for the Oscars were down a whopping 10 percent compared to 2005. Well, at least the Internal Revenue Service was watching.

Goodie Bags Not So Goodie

Actors that get nominated for an Oscar are might happy indeed. Praise rains down upon them for a good performance and better parts are often in the offering. Win an Oscar and the world is their oyster. More important than all of this, of course, is the Oscar goodie bag.

Get an Oscar goodie bag and you know youve made it in Hollywood. The bag is a collection of obscenely expensive things. The 2006 goodie bag was valued at over $100,00 and included items such as vacation packages to posh resorts with a butler included, the latest mobile phone gadgets, more vacation packages, private rooms at top restaurants and so on. Heck, who needs to actually win the Oscar?

In a hilarious and cheeky move, the IRS decided to have a little fun with the nominees. Just days before the show, the service issued a press release. It wished all the nominees the best of luck at the show. IRS Commission Mark Everson than reminded the nominees that the goodie bags were taxable and he wanted them to Walk the Line. I kid you naught.

In this instance, the IRS has really gone to far. Why must the agency be such a burden to the hard working professionals in Hollywood? Just one look at Joaquin Phoenix and you could see the effect. Or it could be constipation, but who can really say.

This move by the IRS is particularly overbearing when you consider the non-winners. Winners could care less about the taxes since an Oscar is a guarantee of more roles and more money.

The losers, on the other hand, must suffer twofold. First, they have to do their best acting performance by pretending to be happy the lost. Second, they have to suffer their loss of instant fame. I mean, remember that actor. Name was Johnny Depp or something? He lost and who has heard of him since?

Richard A. Chapo is with BusinessTaxRecovery.com - providing information on tax and taxes. Visit us to read more tax articles and our new tax credits page.

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Seven Things You Need to Know Before You Become a Member of a Nonprofit Board

Congratulations! You have been asked to join a nonprofit Board of Trustees. That is certainly an honor, but it comes with many caveats and responsibilities you should know before you accept. You should know that beyond the demands on your time, there may also be demands on your financial resources far beyond your capacity to anticipate them. This article will give you a thorough checklist of the things you need to analyze.

1. What is the culture of the Board? Is it an active Board that challenges the Executive Director on recommendations and points of policy, or is it a passive Board that takes its marching orders from the Executive Director. Ask to see minutes of past meetings, and if you see that each motion was passed unanimously, you can conclude that the Board all plays to the same drummer. On the other hand, if the minutes reflect spirited debate, and a split vote, they you can assume you are being asked to join a Board that takes the lead in setting directions.

2. Who is on the Board? Is there anybody you know well enough to discuss your prospective appointment? Are there people on the Board you do not like? How do you see your personality engaging with the Executive Directors? Is the Executive Director a member of the Board (not recommended)? Is there a rapid turnover on the Board with former members not serving their full terms? Do you perceive the Board as composed of people who were selected for their talents, or because of the financial contributions they give?

3. Does the nonprofit have a lot of money? While this may be an asset to the nonprofit, it can be a substantial liability to you personally. When you go on a nonprofit Board, you assume fiduciary responsibility. That means that if something goes terribly wrong, and the consequences involve substantial losses for the nonprofit, you can be held personally liable, along with your other Board members, up to their ability to pay. That means, for example, that if there is a loss of money due to neglect or malfeasance, you and your colleagues on the Board can be ordered to make it right.

4. Additionally, this doctrine of fiduciary responsibility extends into the management of any endowment or retirement assets that the Board manages. Be sure the Board has an Investment Committee composed of highly qualified financial professionals (they do not have to be members of the Board) who meet regularly to review the performance of the funds in their care.

5. Be sure that any funds are being managed professionally by people chosen by your Investment Committee. In their contracts, it should be clearly stated that they assume fiduciary responsibility for the preservation and growth of those funds. More about the functions of this Committee in a future article.

6. Insist on a full orientation. Meet members of the staff. Talk with other Board members. Tour the facilities. Examine the financials. Most important, be perfectly clear about what is expected of you as a member of the Board.

7. If you do not have the time, or you know you will not be able to attend the Board meetings regularly, or participate in whatever committees you join, do not accept the appointment to the Board. It deprives the nonprofit of your talents, and greatly exposes you to any liability that may arise as a consequence of the Board not exercising oversight.

If you can satisfy yourself that the costs and liability are not too great for you to assume, join the Board and enjoy doing an important act of selfless commitment.

Jim Gould is the Chairman of Fundraising Solutions, a fundraising company that offer a free fundraising program for non profit organization fundraising and ClickShopSupport.org, a charity shopping website.

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It seems like you cannot turn around today with finding someone pitching "VOIP phone service" to you. You see it on TV, and even your cable bill and credit card statements have VOIP ads included in them. Why is everyone so excited about VOIP phone service and why is everyone pushing it?

The answer to the question is that everyone is pushing it because it is so much in demand. People are switching to VOIP phone service faster than ever before, and the activations of new VOIP service continue to exceed the activations of new traditional telephone service, even for businesses. So like anything else that is in high demand, VOIP phone service is exactly the same.

But with all the offerings, how do you know which one offers the best service and also offers quality service? The straight answer is that you don't know. As far as quality service, most of them are pretty much the same but the one facet they all share is that your VOIP phone service will use your high-speed Internet connection to make and receive the phone calls on your VOIP phone. And for many people, their high-speed Internet connection is the long pole in the tent.

If your high-speed Internet connection is not fast or rock solid, you are not going to be happy with any VOIP phone service you get. The problem is not with the VOIP service at any price, not the highest priced ones or the lowest priced ones. The gating factor is your high-speed Internet connection, because if that is not rock solid and reliable, there is not a VOIP service anywhere on the planet that you would consider good.

If the only option you have for a high-speed Internet connection is satellite, don't even think about VOIP phone service. A satellite connection, even at the higher ends of the available service plans, is just not going to cut it for good VOIP service.

Also be aware that if your high-speed Internet service goes down, your ability to make or receive phone calls goes away. That's why you need a reliable Internet connection.

Assuming you have a good reliable high-speed Internet connection, then you may want to consider VOIP phone service. Do you get more value from those offerings you see from your cable company that they include in their invoice, compared to some of the offerings you see elsewhere for half the price? In a word, no. The top VOIP providers all offer packages that are pretty typical, such as unlimited long distance in the continental US, caller ID, call waiting, call blocking, and voice mail.

Some providers also can provide, for a minor additional cost, something called a "virtual phone number". Say you live in New York but you talk frequently with your sister who lives in Denver. You can get a Denver "virtual number" so that your sister can call a LOCAL Denver number to reach you, but when she calls that number, your VOIP phone at your home in New York will ring, so it's a local call for her.

VOIP phone service has quality that is equivalent to today's traditional phones. If you are unsure, some VOIP providers have a one month trial so you can try it out before you make any kind of long term commitment.

For more insights and additional information about VOIP Phone Service please visit our web site at http://www.voipinsideinfo.com

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Want To Own A Muscular Greek God Body?

If you are clueless at the gym and yet hungry for plain, good 'ol professional advice to help you on the road to that sculpted physique of a Greek god, fret not! All you have to do is to have a solid commitment, use the knowledge gleaned from this article and you will attain the body you want pronto. But remember to warm up and cool down, as well as stretching before and after each session; Or even better, after each set for better muscle recovery and prevention of injuries.

Use Free Weights instead of Machines More Often

Machines will have its uses, but for a start, concentrate on free weights. That means work almost exclusively with barbells and dumb bells. Free weights recruit many stabilizing muscles for balance and control. That means you will work a lot more muscle parts other than the intended ones. That will give rise to little bumps, striations and definitions all over your body instead of one huge lump of muscle on your intended muscle. Because of the extra stimulant created, your muscles grow faster too. Why else do you think all professional bodybuilders almost exclusively use free weights?

Compound Exercises Instead Of Isolation Exercises

Use as many compound exercises as possible to your workouts. Compound exercises are exercises that involve 2 or more joint movements. Because they utilize more joints, that means greater muscle mass are involved. Greater muscle mass means heavier weights. Heavier weights means greater muscle gain.

Some excellent compound exercises are the Squat, Deadlift, Chin ups, Dips, Bench press, Barbell Press, Lunges, Bent-Over Barbell Row...etc.

Train with Intensity

You must train intensively like a mad man for your muscle to grow. Try to do more reps or add more weight than the previous session or your muscles will think, "Ah... we've done that. Nothing new, so no need to grow bigger and stronger."

Because of this, it is important that every time you train hard, you give your body time to recover as it has suffered strains and actually sustained many small scarring. Your muscles grow when you rest, especially when you sleep and not in the gym. So sleep at least 8 hours a day. Also, do not train everyday or work the same muscle group more than once or twice a week. If your training was vigorous enough, do no more than an hour per session.

Try not to do cardio work on the same day as your weight lifting work. In fact, during the muscle building phase, you should do less cardio work as aerobic exercises burn muscles. You can increase your cardio work when we come to the cutting phase, to lose fats and gain rippling definition.

Correct Technique And Form

Everywhere, everyday, you will see people using wrong form and technique when training with weights. This not only compromises your growth, it will also make you susceptible to injuries.

Wrong form occurs usually when people try to lift weights that are too heavy, whether out of vanity or ignorance. As a guide, always lift with strict focus on the muscle you intend to build for that particular exercise. Feel it contract and extend. Lift the weights deliberately and slowly. Never ever swing your weights up especially when doing bicep curls or the military press. Lower the weights slowly, taking about 3 seconds instead of letting gravity pull the weight down. You must fight gravity to stimulate the muscles, if not, half of your effort is going to waste. Another common mistake is when people arch their back when they are doing their bench presses. By arching your back, you are using your spine to press the weight up. Your back must be pressed against the bench at all times for the exercise to be effectively working on your chest! However you MUST arch your back when doing squats and deadlift.

With some exceptions, as a general rule, if you can lift a weight in good form for more than 10 reps, it is too light. Conversely, if you can't lift it more than 5 times in good form, it is too heavy.

To Grow Fast and Huge, You Must Perform Lower Body Exercises!

This is what most people don't realize. Your lower body makes up 60-70% of your musculature. If you don't train them, not only will you look spider-legged, your entire body will not grow as quickly and as large. Don't think that you can hide those skinny legs in your pants! Most people do not train their legs because squats, dead lifts and lunges can be very grueling exercises. But it is precisely because of such intensity that you will produce more growth hormones when you sleep and overall muscular development is stimulated.

EAT and EAT Correctly

Losing weight and building muscles cannot happen at the same time although there are methods to do so and will be too technical to describe here. To lose weight, you must have a caloric deficit. To build muscles, you must have more calories, period! So do not be afraid to eat. Have plenty of protein, moderate complex carbs and some good oil like Omega, olive, flaxseed, fish etc., especially immediately after a workout. That is when your body is most nutrient hungry and will absorb whatever you eat very quickly. The longer you delay eating after a workout, the less effective it will be. Even better, take quick absorption protein shakes and high glycemic carbs during this time. The carbs will induce insulin production almost immediately and shuttle the protein to your muscle cells very quickly.

Eat about 2 gm of protein for each kg of your bodyweight or 1 gm per pound of your body weight. Spread your meals evenly throughout the day about 3 hours apart. It is advisable that you have supplementation of Creatine, Protein, Multivitamins and L-Glutamine.

Yes, you will probably gain weight, but a lot of it will be muscle weight because muscles are heavier than fats. You may also gain some fats because of the extra calories consumed. Don't worry, it is a happy problem because the more muscles you have, the easier the fats are to shed when you come to the cutting up phase to get those rippling definitions.

Easy isn't it? Now that you know the facts, the rest is up to your determination.

Chris Chew is a personal trainer and count actors, pageant winners, models and other celebrities as his clients. He runs a fitness training school in Singapore at Singapore Personal Trainers and is the author of "Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast." See his books at Lose Fat Build Muscles Quickly!

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Introduction to Our Ontario Vacation 2007

This is the first of a fifteen part series on a trip from the United States into the province of Ontario, Canada. Not being fond of large cities, my wife and I opted for the small towns of eastern Ontario. We entered Ontario, Canada, in Sault Ste. Marie.

From there we traveled to Wawa, Chapleau, visited the Chapleau Crown Game Preserve, Cochrane where we visited the Polar Bear Habitat, boarded the Polar Bear Express for Moosonee, rode the Polar Princess, went to Moose Factory Island and returned to the States. You can find the titles of each article by the towns we visited.

But first we visited Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. After checking into the hotel the Soo Locks became our destination. This is where they transfer ships from the Lake Michigan side to the lower Lake Huron. Just as we arrived a barge was just coming in from Lake Huron, more specifically, from St. Mary's river that connects to Lake Huron. It was fascinating to watch as they closed the locks and opened the valve. Without pumps the water just seeks its own level taking only 15 or so minutes to raise the level 21 feet for the ship to float towards Lake Michigan. Then a 1000 foot ship from Lake Michigan came in another lock. It wasn't in there long and it was amazing to watch the ship almost disappear into the lock before departing for destinations serviced by Lake Huron. Another barge at closer range gave us an even better idea of just how high it rose as the lock was filling.

As you will be reading about our travels in more detailed articles I wanted to share with you some observations of ours.

Moose Crossings
Having seen deer signs in the states and realizing that deer are killed and vehicles damaged as they cross the road, I did not realize the same thing would happen for moose. Every so often we would see a sign with a picture of a moose jumping. A little thing I know, but hey, if you have never seen one it is different.

Many times we would see a sign with a picture of a snowmobile entering the road, much like a sign for trucks crossing the road. OK, thats natural in Canada. After we reach Chapleau and seeing more snowmobile signs our attention was drawn to them. Just crossing the main road was one thing but the snowmobile paths have their own stop signs! Yes, traffic signs for the snowmobile paths. In some locations the path paralleled the main road with their own stop signs!

Traffic Signals
Why should a traffic signal be an observation I would make? Because the green light is smaller than the red light. In the States all three lights are the same size. This obviously emphasizes the red over the green. It definitely sends a strong message which I liked.

The Polar Bear Express is the only way to travel to Moosonee unless you are flying. I didn't see or look for an airport there but you can connect with outfitters to go farther north than Moosonee. If you decide to take this ride and have small children, I suggest going on a weekend Santa Clause rides the train too. It would be exciting to experience Christmas in July on the Polar Bear Express. This has been in operation for over 40 years and is nothing like the movie!

When you arrive in Moosonee realize that it is not really a tourist town. Yes, you can arrive on the train at 2, go to Moose Island Factory and be back in time to make the return trip on the train the same day. There are shops there but they are for the towns' people mostly. The absence of any type of tourist shops was noticeable to us. Learning about a different culture is good and we enjoyed our visit. I just don't think we will be returning.

You have my permission to reprint and distribute this article as long as it is distributed in its entirety, including all links and copyright information. Lloyd Mize 2007

Lloyd Mize has retired from a full time JOB!
Currently, he spends his time as the webmaster for Christian Article Bank

A Biblically Based Collection of Articles.
As you can tell, he enjoys traveling and seeing wildlife.
Thanks to Ann Stewart for editing this article. Please visit her website Express Your Thoughts

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Where to Find Special Fibromyalgia Support Groups

When dealing with something like fibromyalgia, it is important to have a support system of some sort in place. Finding support for a unique condition like that, though, is sometimes difficult. If you know where to look, though, and you know how to research the organizations, you soon discover where to find special fibromyalgia support groups. Here are a few tips that may help you in your search so that you can share your experience, share the experience of others, and learn how to get support through supporting others.

A great place to start your search for where to find special fibromyalgia support groups is online. The internet is a wealth of knowledge and many of these support groups add to that by having their own websites. The best way to find them is to start with a search engine. Finding a fibromyalgia support group is really no different than finding anything else online. Start by searching for fibromyalgia and a location. You will, in most every case, get back several responses that fit your search. So, your next step then would be to make a decision on which support group best works for you.

The internet will not only tell you where to find special fibromyalgia support groups, but also how to get in contact with them. Once you have found a group online that seems to fit your need and schedule, you should contact them. Talking to a representative of the group can often give you a feel for whether or not it is going to be a good fit for you.

The internet is not the only place suited to help you with where to find special fibromyalgia support groups. Another fantastic resource for you is the local hospitals. If you call the hospital and ask, most all of them will have support groups for all sorts of conditions and situations. They should be able to give you information on special fibromyalgia support groups that will fit your schedule. They should be able to tell you when the groups meet, where they meet, and how to get into contact with them. So, if you are not computer savvy and still needs to know where to find special fibromyalgia support groups, then contact your local hospital and they should be able to help you. If not, they should be able to direct you to another organization that certainly can.

Finally, if all else fails, then you can find where to find special fibromyalgia support groups by contacting Fibro-Friends. This is a group that supports and advocates for those who have fibromyalgia. They can help you find support groups, organizations, and other contacts in your area so that you do not have to be alone.

Knowing where to find special fibromyalgia support groups can be a big part of dealing with it. By going online, through your local hospital, or talking to Fibro-Friends, you can get the support system you need to deal with this condition day in and day out.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Health & Beauty related topics. To access more information on fibromyalgia medication guide or on fibromyalgia medications, please click on the links.

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When an artist has completed a project or series of pieces it is natural and necessary to show them. It is natural to want to share the realization of any vision with the like-minded - or visual-others who can share that vision. It is necessary because the artist needs to know who they are reaching and what parts of their message or vision are being experienced by those visual-others. Establishing oneself in the arts community is dependent on this process. Gaining sales and or representation also begins with exhibition.

Exhibiting art works for the unknown or "unconnected" artist is difficult, to say the least. There are several reasons for this. First of all almost any venue for exhibition is inundated with requests for shows. Exhibition venues like galleries and museums can usually choose from not only the very best artists available, they can chose from the wealthy and the "connected" artists.

An artist who is connected has relatives or friends who sit on arts organization boards or arts group councils or own galleries or write on the arts for prestigious publications. Connected artists may know this or that head of an art institute or university art, or they have already been invested in by galleries and collectors who have real "pull." This is a reality in almost every field. Donations from the wealthy tend to come with expectations, grants with certain limitations, etc. It's not a good to talk about this because exhibiting artists like to feel that they have been recognized for the strength of their work, and they want the public to believe this too.

So where does that leave the new and unconnected artist who wants to exhibit? In the rear of a very slow line. This can be especially disheartening for the artist and most savvy viewers who see public and private wealth thrown at questionable or abjectly pathetic art - usually in the name of educating the public to what is a revolutionary art form or style.

So, Contemporary Art Gallery Magazine offers this list of The 10 Best Ways to Get Your Art Exhibited. The list is composed specifically for the new or unconnected artist - but is happily shared with the older and more connected not afraid to be creative in getting exhibited.

1) Local Charity and Benefit Auctions - You must donate a work of art to do this, but you should do it in such a way that it let's viewers know who you are, and what you do, and where they can see more of your work. Be aware that even these charity auctions can be political - as to where your work appears, or gets hidden, or is written or spoken of.

2) Garden Shows and Home shows - You must contact the person setting up these shows to discuss if and how your work can be shown, protected, or sold.

3) Retail Businesses - You talk with the owner or manager about placing you work in their spaces with contact information to your studio.

4) Restaurants and Bistros - The owner or manager may have concerns about decor, so listen up, but many cafe's and bars like a change of scenery for their clientele.

5) Boutiques and Salons - This venue can be similar to other retail businesses with concerns for decor, but the customers of these kinds of businesses tend to be interested in art and they usually have disposable income.

6) Empty Storefront or Mall Rental Space - If you clear it with the owner or manager you can put on an event that draws attention to a space that needs to be rented - just put in your exhibit for 3 hours or 3 months, depending on the situation.

7) Restaurant Meeting - Send your email and art postcard invitations to prospective buyers to meet at a casual restaurant to see your latest work, here your brief lecture, eat together, get their invitations autographed, discuss your next project, buy . . .

8) School Exhibit - If you can't get a college, then talk to a highschool about a short exhibition and talk with students interested in art. Ask the art teacher or art department.

9) Form an art club or association - You can split the costs of a rental space at a major hotel or resort at a time when it will be full of rich guests who can follow the signs to your exhibit and mingle with your invited viewers.

10) Art Fairs - Fill out the forms and submit images, then show up in your space or booth - just follow the rules of the fair. Look at art fairs and talk to art fair participant artists for tips on how, where, when.

Contemporary Art Gallery Magazine is well aware that not every good artist can get the best exhibition venues. We hope these will help you get started - and we offer more information at

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  • Tia Marks, Executive-Editor, Contemporary Art Gallery Magazine

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    Eating disorders also called is Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia. Eating disorders is important to recognize that each factor plays a role in predisposing, precipitating, or perpetuating the problem. Anorexia nervosa compulsive eating are the most common among such young children, but there are cases of bulimia being reported. It is usually begins at the age of fourteen or fifteen, with another peak in incidence in eighteen year olds. It is estimated that 40% of nine year olds have already dieted and we are beginning to see four and five year olds expressing the need to diet. It's a shame that children so young are being robbed of their childhoods. Children raised in a dysfunctional family are at a higher risk for developing an eating disorder.

    In a home where physical or abuse is taking place, the child may turn to an eating disorder to gain a sense of control. Children may also develop eating disorders as a way of dealing with the many emotions that they feel, especially if they are raised in a home that does not allow feelings to be expressed. Children who are compulsive eaters are usually using food to help them deal with feelings of anger, sadness, hurt, loneliness, abandonment, fear and pain. There are many serious complications of anorexia, including fainting from low blood pressure, electrolyte disorders, being intolerant to cold, constipation, decreased energy, changes in mood, anemia, kidney failure and osteoporosis (brittle bones).

    Eating disorders can cause heart and kidney problems and even death. Genetic attributes and it is more common in children who have a first-degree relative with an eating disorder. Children are at a risk for developing an eating disorder if the parents themselves are to preoccupied with appearance and weight. Eating disorder risk factors is purging behaviors (vomiting or using diuretics (water pills) or laxatives to lose weight). Restrictive eating patterns, which can lead to a failure to gain weight or to being underweight and can include skipping meals, fasting, or eliminating entire food groups. Amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycles) or delayed onset of puberty and menarche.

    Parents may first suspect a problem when they discover large amounts of food are missing from the pantry or the refrigerator, though it's hard to imagine one child could have eaten so much. Mothers with eating disorders may have a difficult time feeding their infants and young children and will further effect the child. Often the family environment will be less cohesive, more conflicted, and less supportive. People with bulimia may be anywhere from underweight, to normal weight, to overweight. It is estimated that as much as 3% of college-aged women have bulimia. Other signs found in teens with eating disorders include having dry and brittle hair, losing hair, and having muscle wasting.

    Treatment of eating disorders is slow and difficult (and sometimes requires hospitalization) and should be overseen by a mental health. Exercise is also an important part of everyone's life and we need to help our children become involved in physical activity. Patients with anorexia also require nutritional and medical intervention to make dietary. Do not criticize your own or your childs weight, shape or size. Different types of therapy can help treat binge eating disorder. For example, family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy teach people techniques to monitor and change their eating habits and the way they respond to stress. Family therapy includes the whole family in the process of helping the individual. Cognitive-behavioral therapy combines the approach of helping the individual change their self-defeating thoughts with changing their behavior. Counseling also helps patients look at relationships they have with others and helps them work on areas that cause them anxiety. Weight-control programs are helpful for some people affected by binge eating. The medical treatment of bulimia has concentrated on antidepressants , particularly fluoxetine, which has been found to decrease binge eating and vomiting for about two-thirds of bulimic patients.

    Juliet Cohen writes articles for acne treatment and depression treatment. She also writes articles on skin disorders.

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    Dolls are one of the most common toys that little girls play with. Perhaps, the pioneer that started all this was Barbie, which has been in the business for more than 30 years.

    The reason why this company has lasted so long is perhaps the different clothes and other accessories that have been introduced. From clothes, Barbie now has a dollhouse, a car and furniture allowing the child to think of different scenarios and have fun.

    Lately, the company has ventured into something new. Barbie now has a movie and can be read in books with one of the most popular entitled 12 Barbie Dancing Princess. The story is not like Snow White or Cinderella but it still has family values especially with the King and the siblings.

    Everything from the story of Barbie and the 12 Princesses can now be brought home for the childs enjoyment.

    The person can get a copy on DVD format from the video store for less than $15 so the child can watch this over and over again at home. There are also coloring books available as well which is a great exercise for the kid to do that is under $5.

    Avid fans of Barbie can also get the hard copy from the bookstore for just $8. This will surely be one book that mom or dad will read time and time again when putting the little girl to bed.

    The success of the movie and the storybook can also be brought home, as the toy is also available for purchase for under $15. The child can reenact the story with friends as the other characters in the story are also out in the market.

    What happens next for Barbie? That is something that people will just have to wait for in the future. Those who loved the campaign for this story will surely love the next one when it comes out.

    Christmas is right around the corner so the child does not know yet about Barbies adventure in saving the kingdom and the family from the evil aunt, perhaps this is the best time to get a copy to celebrate the holidays.

    The book, the DVD or the toy can also be ordered online. The person will just have to pay for this using a credit card and wait for a few days so this can be delivered into ones home.

    Low Jeremy maintains http://barbie.articlesforreprint.com This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

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