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Friday, February 15, 2008 

How To Generate Endless Traffic And MLM Leads?

Many clients I coach ask me many times when they start a MLM business, Joe how can I generate an endless stream of traffic and MLM leads for my network marketing business? I was told by my upline to buy generic leads from lead companies and make cold calls.

Many clients ask me this on a consistent bases. Lets look at the reasons why people ask this question. First, when you buy so called generic leads from lead companies you are only making the lead companies richer. Second, you have no idea how and were these leads are generated. Third, these generic lead are not the type of leads you should be generating because they are not your target market in the first place.

If you were a professional recruiter for the NBA would you put an ad in your local news paper saying Looking for a Professional Basketball Player Make Big Money or would you go scout out the professionals that have been playing basket ball for years at colleges? Of course you would look at the colleges for your recruits. They are the most targeted you can get right? Right! So why would you buy so called red-hot generic business opportunity leads from lead companies? Get the picture here?

In your network marketing business, you should always have total control over all your marketing so you know were your traffic and MLM lead generation is coming from. Also the MLM leads you generate for your MLM business are all yours and not shared with five to eight other people like lead companies do. Their exclusive to you! Network marketing is a relationship business and so I suggest that you start building your own MLM lead list that you can market to when ever you wish. A person truly owns their own MLM business when they control all of their marketing efforts and dont put that control into other persons hands.

So if youre a professional successful MLM business person looking for other people to help become successful with you in your MLM opportunity, were do you go to find the most targeted MLM leads you can find? Well, I would suggest that you look at other network marketers. Why? They love MLM and have some kind of experience as well. Just like looking for a professional basket ball player. Right? Right! See how this works. So you may be asking yourself, but dont they already belong to another MLM company? If so why would they join me instead? That is a great question! Thanks for asking that. The failure rate in network marketing is 95% because most people arent being taught the right kind of marketing in the first place. People join people! Not companies! What if you can show other network marketers how to become a successful MLM professional? Do you think they would see you as a person of value?

You bet they would! So to answer the question, how do you recruit other network marketers? You attract them to you until they ask you what kind of business your in.

Then thats when you expose them to your MLM opportunity. Only when they ask. This is what we call attraction marking. Its about branding yourself as a success MLM business person first and then your opportunity later. This is the big secret that top income earners in our industry know and now so do you. People will join you because of the help and relationship you build with them through this process. There are many hungry network marketers out their who are looking for a solution to explode their network marketing business.

So you want to become the person who can provide that solution for them. When you do that you start the relationship process. We all know that network marketing is a business of relationships. You will then become a person of value by providing that solution. So start becoming that person of value and attract people into your MLM business. Dont know were to start. Then start with the information below! Go out and make it happen.

Joe LoBalsamo is the CEO of Internet Network Marketing Secrets. "Want To Learn More About A System That Will Generate Cash For Your MLM Even If No One Joins Your Business And Pays For Your Advertising To Generate Endless Red-Hot Targeted Leads?"

Generate Red-Hot Targeted Leads Endlessly And Cash For Your MLM. Click Here!

A Business That Improved My Life! Click Here!

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