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Saturday, March 1, 2008 

Buying Interviewed Lead Mlm Phone Prospects

Buying Interviewed Lead Mlm Phone prospects are not what you should be buying to build a profitable network marketing business. When I started cold calling interviewed lead mlm phone prospects, I thought I would have it made because I was told they were one of the best leads to buy. This is incorrect! Interviewed lead mlm phone prospects are just as ineffective as buying regular generic mlm leads they are not called by any one. If your not familiar with interviewed lead mlm phone prospects, then I will explain. They are the same so called great leads you would buy from some lead vendor for your business. Except the lead vendor typically calls them to double check for you that they are still looking for a home business to start.

When I found this out I though this would be the ticket to becoming a big success in my Network Marketing business using interviewed lead mlm phone prospects. However it was not. No matter what kind of generic mlm leads you buy, they all will be just people who are looking for information and most importantly are not your target market to be cold calling. I called interviewed lead mlm phone prospects and many other type of generic mlm leads and you are only making the lead companies richer.

What allowed me to explode my network marketing business worldwide was not interviewed lead mlm phone prospects or any other so called generic red-hot mlm leads. I learned how to generate my own mlm traffic. Learning how to generating your own mlm traffic will be the only why to explode your network marketing business. Why you may ask? Because they are exclusive targeted leads that are yours and not anyone else's. When you generate your own mlm traffic your targeted mlm leads are not sold five or ten times like lead vendors do when selling you the leads they generate. When you buy interviewed lead mlm phone prospects, you don't know how they are generated. Also these interviewed lead mlm phone prospects have no experience in network marketing in the first place. So why would you buy them?

If you were a recruiter for the NBA and you were looking for other professional basketball players to ad to your team, would you go out and recruit someone who drives a truck for a living? Of course you wouldn't! You would recruit the best players who already have experience and who already play professional Basket Ball. Buying interviewed lead mlm phone prospects is like the (truck driver). If you want to build a professional network marketing team that is very profitable for you, then I suggest you start learning how to build your Network Marketing business by generating your own mlm traffic and building a list of true targeted mlm leads that consist of other professional network marketers (Professional NBA players) who have experience and who are willing to do whatever it takes to be successful.

So go out and learn how to generate your own mlm traffic and build that list of professional network marketers who will help take your business to the level of success you came to this industry for in the first place. I suggest that you Stop buying interviewed lead mlm phone prospects and build your business like the top income earners do. Also work on building that solid relationship with you list before making any attempt to make them a part of your Network Marketing business.

Joe LoBalsamo is the CEO of Internet Network Marketing Secrets. Want to learn more about a system that will generate cash for your MLM even if no one joins your business and pays for your advertising to generate endless targeted leads?

http://www.GenerateEndlessLeads.info & http://www.Network-Marketing-Training.org

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